Lore is a vital part to the Peppa Pig Multiverse. The Lore of Peppa Pig is a major study just like look at it in those of the large and numerous Peppa Pig Fandom. There are many examples of lore on this very wiki. Lore is a vital part of Peppa Pig's is continuity, being involved with canonicy, the metagame of Peppa Pig: Fighters, and many more aspects of the Peppa Pig Multiverse.
Examples of Lore[]
Peppa Pig is known for its extreme showcases of deep lore and character. For example, in Season 6 Episode 14, former president Barack Obama was seen slam dunking on George who then proceeded to cry. This is a refrence to Peppa Pig Angry Birds where George was the best character, but the tables were turned. Barack Obama later apologized for his war crimes and paid reparations to George and his family.
Peppa pig is more lore-filled than ANY other franchise out there. For example, in Season 3 Episode 15, Peppa Pig is introduced to the Anime community and is disgusted by their many violent actions against non-anime watchers. Peppa dislikes this and as a result, decides to destroy the anime community. She later comes to the realization that she enjoys anime her favorite is my hero academia but mine is one piece hehehe anyway since there are many pigs throughout the anime multiverse. Her brother George sees this as an opportunity to steal her rare collection of Dior Jordans valued well over 10000 dollars for one sneaker. After Peppa's anime watch session of 15 hours, she goes to check on her Doir Jordan collection and finds George smuggling them into a Food 4 Less shopping bag. Furious by George's actions, Peppa later moves out of the house to pursue her career as a butcher and makes millions of dollars. About 15 years later she comes back home but before that she buys the most expensive shoes and phone to exist in the Peppa Pig multiverse. After George had seen what Peppa had been doing for the past 15 Iāve been eating bacon in front of her years George later starts to cry and Peppa flexes more. Another example of Peppa Pig lore is in an earlier episode where Peppa is seen making tiktoks. Suddenly her arch-rival Suzie sheep walks in and makes fun of Peppa for have only 1,000 followers. Peppa furious by this decides to take matter in her own hands. Peppa grabed a painting of George costum made by Da Vinci the prior episode, and throws it at Suzie dang. This action of events lead to a chain of multiple fights through out the world leading to what is known today as world war Peppa. Since Peppa is the main character of the show, she most certenly won and tat date would be remember ever since. Additionally Peppa once went back to the past to interupt Ben Saphiros' Barmitchva thus interupting the timeline so Logan Paul never found that body in Japan who Peppa was responsible for. As you can see Peppa Pig has more lore than many would expect it to have. I hope this changes your prespective on Peppa Pig And enjoy it as much as This fandom does.